Weekly top chartsMonthly top chartsWeekly top chartsWEEKLYCHARTSTypeArps 33Atmospheres 79Drones 53Harmonics 9Hits 29Loops 70One Shots 61Phrases 74Pulses 50Remixes 18Rhythmic 63Risers 26SFX 21Signature Sounds 49Sustains 71Tape 28Textures 24InstrumentDrums 45Guitar & Plucked 5Keys 4Modular 62Sound Design 76Strings 95Synth 228Vocal 16Woodwind 3BPMFree / No TempoKeyA 20A Lyd 1A# 17A#m 4Am 13B 15Bm 7C 65C# 29C#m 2Cm 11D 25D Lydian 1D# 26D#m 14Dm 14E 26E Phrygian 1Em 3F 15F Lydian 1F# 12F#m 2Fm 12G 19G# 15Gm 10No Key 59Meter3/4 54/4 2185/4 26/8 1Free 170KeyBPMTime Tense Atmos Sally Herbert The Sea Will Rise Eerie Chordal Texture Minor Adam Lukas The Capsule Godzilla Boom I André Oliveira Colossos Tape Arp Run I Sombre Lux Arrasa Underground Arp III Sombre Lux Arrasa Dirty Tape Drums IV Sombre Lux Arrival Cello Cross String Swarm Jacob Shea The Outpost Oceanus Jacob Maloney Elysium Awakening Alyusha, Ross Baillie-Eames Rise Reimagined Nothing Is The Same Synthmonk Memory Archive Painting Memories Synthmonk Memory Archive The Ancients André Oliveira Exoplanet The Approach André Oliveira Exoplanet We Serve No More Everything & Nothing, Fear Equals Fate, Walter Mair Parabellum Reimagined 31.12.98 Ian Burdge Evacuation Cello Kodaly II – Wet Ian Burdge Evacuation Floating Adam Lukas The Capsule Gentle Decrescendo Adam Lukas The Capsule Low Rumble Adam Lukas The Capsule Overdriven Halfstep – Mono To Stereo Adam Lukas The Capsule Pristine Intro Swell Adam Lukas The Capsule Coral Harp Jacob Maloney Dopamine