

A Fully Ajax-Powered WordPress Theme for Audio, Radio & Music

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Theme with dark/light mode

Best theme for your next music project

Trusted by over 3,000 of the world’s leading artists

A streaming service for all music fans

Get on Musicon to connect with fans, share your sounds, and grow your audience. What are you waiting for?

The social network for musicians

Upload your track and begin your journey. You have space to create, find your fans, and connect with artists.

Build it from the ground up.

Install demo or template with a single click.

See the top charts on Musicon

Free plugins update

Exclusive features for your radio, audio and music application.

Build social network music site just in few minutes.

Gutenberg page builder

With Gutenberg page builder, you can replace the content with yours and add images in just a few minutes. You can also change colors, fonts, and blocks to get your website ready your way.

Loop any list

Loop Block is a Gutenberg block that you can add loop list on any page, to display post, page, taxonomy and users. use custom template and filters to sort your loop contents.

Stream audio, radio and music

Create audio, radio, music entry is simple with Play Block plugin. With front-end upload form for user to upload their stations.

Paid membership

Use membership plugin to accept member payments, manage members, create subscription plans and restrict access to play, upload, download music.